Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rebekah And David at Mike and Stacey Sander's Wedding


kristin said...

The last time I was with Bekah, Thursday, we were talking about baby books. I admitted that I'm not great at keeping up with mine. But she was! She said that she wrote ongoing letters to her kids through out the year. I know those letters will be treasured. I had a quick laugh with Bekah on Friday. She called me on her way home from Costco because we always thought it was funny how much money we we had to spend there. For some reason she decided to stock up on everything. She said that she bought all of the formula Nicole would need until her 1st birthday. Even though no one saw this coming she left "things in order" because she was always thinking about other people. She loved her babies, her husband, her family and her friends genuinely and she will be greatly missed by all who knew her. I miss her so much already...

Kate Smith said...

I missed living by Bekah so much and those trips to Costco but know she didn't want to live anywhere other than home. Please post any arrangements that you hear of - I'm out of the country. Love Kate

Unknown said...

So sorry...God be with you all.